Deborah L. Meyers
Search Consultant
Deborah joined GLS in 2024 and focuses on lateral partner recruitment. A former practicing attorney (both litigation and corporate), she has spent most of her career in the media industry working in programming and business strategy.
Upon graduating from Columbia Law School, Deborah started practicing at what was then Kaye Scholer, and then moved to Skadden. Shortly thereafter, her long-time interest in entertainment law led her to Showtime Networks where she had a very successful career on the programming and business side, rising to Senior Vice President. Her role as a connector, both professionally and socially, coupled with her vast experience hiring at Showtime, led her to legal recruiting. In addition to her high EQ, Deborah brings a deep knowledge of data analysis, strategy, and corporate culture, invaluable to assessing her clients' opportunities with individual law firms, as well as generally understanding the business of Big Law.
J.D., Columbia Law School
B.A., University of Pennsylvania, Cum Laude, Economics
Associations & Memberships
Admitted: Bar of the State of NY
Admitted: DC Bar
High School of American Studies at Lehman College: Co-Fundraising Chair
Personal Interests
Deborah lives in Greenwich Village with her husband, Mike, teenage daughter Mollie and their beloved dog Rudy. She is current with all things theater, film, food and travel, and is a sought-after resource among her friends for recommendations. Although a born and bred Philadelphian, because she has spent many more years here than there, she considers herself a proud “New Yorker”, except when it comes to Philly sports teams.